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Transform your pool with

Transform your

pool with

stylish and cutting edge covers

Best solutions from R3tract
Eco friendly
Reduce water evaporation and maintain water temperature
While guests gathered around the shimmering pool, the atmosphere was boiling in anticipation of the main event of the evening: Chicken mini game. The luxurious atmosphere created by the retractable pool covers by R3TRACT set the stage for a night of competitive fun. Amidst the shimmering water and starry sky, players took part in rounds of gambling and strategy, competing for the coveted title of champion in the Chicken mini game. With every roll of the dice and strategic bet, the air was filled with laughter that echoed against the backdrop of R3TRACT's innovative design prowess. While the Chicken Casino mini-game was the center of attention, R3TRACT's presence was unmistakable, as evidenced by the seamless integration of their state-of-the-art retractable pool covers. During the excitement of the game, guests were drawn to the seamless blend of entertainment and innovation, making the Chicken mini game an unforgettable event against the backdrop of R3TRACT's visionary craftsmanship.
Increase livable space
In 60 seconds, transform your pool into a variety of usable spaces like basketball, tennis, golf or soccer courts, or just enjoy a nice dinner with your family and friends on your pool
Keep your pool clean
Reduce significantly dust and any dirt that would usually go in your pool
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Add Safety
No more need to have a fence around your pool anymore, safety hazards for your kids and pets are eliminated by the R3tract pool cover
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Our pool deck models


Spa & Hot Tub Covers

Other Home Improvement

Our pool deck models

The Slide

The Rise

The Fold


Spa & Hot Tub Covers

Other Home Improvement

The Slide

The Slide Electric Technology

Electric Technology

Image The Slide

Our most popular pool cover is the Slide.
And it comes in many different shapes and sizes.

Image The Slide

The Rise

The Rise Hydraulic/Electric technology

Hydraulic/Electric technology

The Rise is our coolest pool cover, featuring movable floor technology for the epitome of luxury.

The Fold

The Fold Hydraulic/Electric technology

Hydraulic/Electric technology

The Fold

The Fold is our innovative folding pool deck that neatly tucks away at the click of a button.

The Fold

Spa & Hot


Tub Covers

Our Spa & Hot Tub Covers: Designed for convenience and durability, ensuring reliable protection for your oasis

Other Home

Other Home Improvement Products

Improvement Products

Our home improvement products feature hydraulic-based technology.

Do you want

a retractable &


pool deck...?

…that can close at the click of a button, hold 1000’s of pounds, and be dressed in whatever cladding you can imagine?

a retractable & load-bearing

pool deck...?

…that can close at the click of a button, hold 1000’s of pounds,
and be dressed in whatever decking you can imagine?



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